Contribute to Lighthouse

Lighthouse works to promote social and ecological sustainability, approaching current challenges in a collaborative way, through exchange and empowering methodologies, strengthening those who are being innovative in the local-based projects.

You can contribute to solve current ecological and social pressing challenges getting involved with Lighthouse. There are three ways:


You can volunteer online or offline, we are constantly searching for people who support us, amongst others: writing texts and translating (we work transculturally, and languages are an important tool!); searching for small, hidden, and transformative initiatives all around the world; doing communicational and networking tasks, etc.

If you are a young volunteer, you might want to become part of GLYNSES and connect with other young volunteers around the globe to initiate your own projects and be part of Lighthouse’s Network.

Spread the word

You can share our work with your contacts in the social media. Forward one of our videos at your family or friends WhatsApp group, write a blog entry about those great groups transforming our world, invite others to follow our work. We are present at Instagram and You Tube.

You can donate your money to Lighthouse and make a difference. Read more about what happens to your money and why you should donate to Lighthouse.

Or simply donate directly through PayPal: