Intag e.V. is an association that has existed in Germany since 2008. It was founded by people from all over Germany who did a voluntary year, after school, in Ecuador, in the Intag Valley.
They want to support the self-determined and sustainable development of the Intag region from Germany. For this purpose, they promote projects of the people in the Intag region and raise awareness for global justice through the consumption of raw materials in Germany. Together with Germanwatch, the association has published a simulation game on the topic of raw material extraction (in the Intag region).
Lighthouse is working with Intag e.V. and Freundeskreis as part of the Holding the Key 2021 program.
Lighthouse works out this strength with the members of the association, in the framework of the program Holding the Key 2021, so that it can better benefit the association and also serve as a reference for others. For this purpose, we used, among other things, photographic methods at the annual meeting of the association, an online survey and organize an online workshop on post development to be able to deepen theoretical knowledge and generate implementation suggestions.
Findings from the workshop are incorporated into the creation of the graphic that explains how Intag e.V. is organised. Lighthouse develops this graphic together with the initiatives and graphic designers.
The financial support from Lighthouse enabled Intag e.V. to organise multiplier training for its simulation game ‘Mining in the Rainforest’ and to provide the relevant materials.
Two videos in three languages were also produced during the collaboration with Lighthouse. They are published on YouTube and give the organisation greater visibility and thus access to funding opportunities for its projects. On the other hand, a second video clearly demonstrates Intag e.V.’s knowledge of global economic connections and injustices. Learning about this from a living organisation in a video makes such important topics accessible and can be used for a wide variety of educational purposes.