The interdisciplinary orientation of Lighthouse results in projects that seek out and “embrace” voices from different areas. The protagonists of these projects have an intersectional profile and for this reason alone their experience enriches any transformative research project from the outset.
Lighthouse understands intersectionality as a vision, a fundamental perspective when it comes to seeing, analyzing and understanding the world and the relationships that are established between people, in particular, those factors that generate inequalities. For this reason, Lighthouse integrates this perspective into the processes of its projects.
With the SDGs as a baseline to be able to work with other initiatives that pursue objectives close to LH, we launch collective learning projects.
Lighthouse’s methodology is based on qualitative research, seeking the transformation of the participants and also of their environment; this transformation takes into account all the dimensions involved, including creativity in the display of results.
We use elements of Grounded Theory (GT), an inductive research methodology. GT is exploratory and aims to generate theory from the data. The process begins with a question, the actions are aimed at answering this question, taking in questions that can be derived from the process, gathering data and arriving at results.
We start from the certainty that people can learn and create knowledge based on lived experience, observing and reflecting on the implications of elaborated concepts and applying them to new situations. This process leads to a new and concrete experience and, therefore, a new cycle begins.
The projects in this section have been done or are being carried out allow the group time for reflection and appropriate documentation.
From the beginning, results, proposals and more questions are sought, following the transformative methodology of Lighthouse that leads to communication and connection with other stakeholders.
Ultimately, these projects aim to increase individual and group opportunities for opinion, participation and social transformation.
Cada uno de los proyectos tiene su propia dinámica, marcada por las personas participantes y adaptando los recursos, los ritmos y las acciones a la propia evolución investigadora del grupo.
Click on the projects to learn more!